※ 本文為 kimo6414.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-09-22 02:42:09
看板 LoL
作者 標題 [情報] 世界大賽詳細Match History
時間 Fri Sep 19 05:04:00 2014
== Group A ==
EDG vs SSW: http://ppt.cc/9FED
Match History
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Match History
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Match History
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
== Group B ==
TSM vs SK: http://ppt.cc/8~3m
Match History
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Match History
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Match History
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
Every game is a story; visit the new League of Legends match history to check out how this one ends and share your own! ...
點進Player Builds以後可以看到:買裝順序、技能順序、甚至每位玩家的符文跟天賦。
Riot should publish Runes&Masteries during World Championship! : leagueoflegends
Hi Reddit! In my opinion the upcoming World Cup is a great opportunity to convince Riot to release after each match Runes and Masteries that players ... ...
Hi Reddit! In my opinion the upcoming World Cup is a great opportunity to convince Riot to release after each match Runes and Masteries that players ... ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/LoL/M.1411074249.A.014.html
→ : 感覺是在Test的系統跟格式...不小心放出來趕快收掉1F 09/19 05:05
→ : 因為官方網頁那個登入怎麼登都登不進去 找不到資料
→ : 因為官方網頁那個登入怎麼登都登不進去 找不到資料
推 : 我有試著登我的帳號去搜尋 沒有用 找不到資料3F 09/19 07:07
→ : 沒辦法指定去找比賽那個區
→ : 沒辦法指定去找比賽那個區
→ : 我也找過,但這資料很明顯只有官方抓的到5F 09/19 07:10
→ : 就祈禱官方會全放出來吧
→ : 就祈禱官方會全放出來吧
推 : 這個網站真好 可以研究一下福文天賦了XD7F 09/19 07:55
→ : 希望可以都放出來8F 09/19 08:27
※ 編輯: rhox (, 09/19/2014 17:01:53--
※ 看板: Asurada 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 101