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作者 標題 [IGN] FF7 Rebirth銷售是否遇到困境了
時間 Sun Apr 21 17:21:42 2024
Are Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Sales Struggling? We Asked the Experts
Are Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Sales Struggling? We Asked the Experts - IGN
Some analysts say Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sales are struggling, but what's really going on? IGN investigates. ...
Square Enix has yet to announce a sales figure for Rebirth, the second game
in a planned trilogy of remakes of the seminal Final Fantasy 7. This in
itself is telling. The company has announced launch sales for recent Final
Fantasy games. For example, Square Enix announced that Final Fantasy 16, a
fellow PS5 exclusive, had sold over three million copies during its first
week on sale. Going back further, Square Enix announced Final Fantasy 7
Remake shifted 3.5 million copies in three days when it launched as a
PlayStation 4 exclusive in April 2020. Final Fantasy 15 sold five million
units in its first day, but that game launched on PS4 and Xbox One in
November 2016. Final Fantasy 15 remains the fastest-selling game in the
history of the series.
《Final Fantasy 15》一天500萬份
《Final Fantasy 7 Remake》三天350萬份
PS5獨佔遊戲《Final Fantasy 16》一週300萬份
PS5獨佔遊戲《Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth》史克威爾艾尼克斯並未公布
How about in Japan? We have hard data for physical game sales there, but not
download sales information. Still, going by physical sales, we can see
Rebirth has had a tough time compared to other recent Final Fantasy games.
Rebirth enjoyed the second-biggest PS5 launch in Japan, behind only Final
Fantasy 16, with 262,656 physical copies sold compared to Final Fantasy 16’s
336,027 sold. However, it’s a less rosy picture when compared to other Final
Fantasy games. Final Fantasy 7 Remake, for example, sold 702,853 copies in
Japan at launch, whereas Final Fantasy 15 sold 716,649 copies at launch.
《Final Fantasy 15》實體銷量為716,649份
《Final Fantasy 7 Remake》實體銷量為702,853份
PS5獨佔遊戲《Final Fantasy 16》實體銷量為336,027份
PS5獨佔遊戲《Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth》實體銷量為262,656份
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: silentknight 2024-04-21 17:21:42
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c9DgfV6 (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1713691305.A.7C6.html
→ : 結果肥宅說謝謝民X黨 幹這齣戲真他媽好笑1F 04/21 17:22
推 : 樓上??2F 04/21 17:23
→ : 1樓怎抹了3F 04/21 17:25
推 : IGN這個記得有出一支影片在談4F 04/21 17:25
推 : 集氣中而已,等等就宣布大賣1000萬嚇死你5F 04/21 17:26
推 : IGN晚了吧,這內容第一周就看到一堆了6F 04/21 17:26
推 : 所以問題是什麼?7F 04/21 17:26
噓 : 有人打字忘記刪除 moptt的驚喜8F 04/21 17:27
推 : 一樓氣成這樣9F 04/21 17:28
推 : 這也能進桶?算你行10F 04/21 17:28
推 : 不過IGN還是有給SE面子,後面有幫忙說些好話11F 04/21 17:28
推 : 美國民主黨啦 大家不要統他12F 04/21 17:28
推 : 不是買數位版送1嗎?實體低很正常吧13F 04/21 17:28
→ : 前面大部份就跟上周板上有PO的新聞差不多,就引用分14F 04/21 17:29
→ : 析師的話
→ : 析師的話
推 : 要怎麼回文才可以回到這篇…16F 04/21 17:30
→ : 會進的原因是4-517F 04/21 17:31
→ : 大概是回某個政策按到方向鍵上了吧18F 04/21 17:32
→ : 他在置頂那篇回的很開心然後回錯吧,不過我猜他應該本19F 04/21 17:34
→ : 來就沒在意版規了。
→ : 來就沒在意版規了。
推 : 這也能有釣到魚21F 04/21 17:35
推 : 再繼續dlc獨不佔把粉絲當白痴啊22F 04/21 17:35
推 : 這個周末有加班嫌疑 各大版都在洗文23F 04/21 17:36
推 : 真的難玩24F 04/21 17:36
推 : 1F...25F 04/21 17:37
→ : 不急 大麥方程式還沒開始 還在等出3送1 2 1 2靠送的就暴26F 04/21 17:37
→ : 增了
→ : 增了
推 : 賣情懷的很難有什麼突破28F 04/21 17:38
推 : 等steam29F 04/21 17:39
→ : 這主題是不是探討很多次了30F 04/21 17:39
→ : 跨欄的好像又是那種莫名復活的ID各版到處洗31F 04/21 17:40
推 : 請問如果進psn+ freeplay的話 下載也算賣一份嗎32F 04/21 17:40
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 355
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