※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-03-24 13:08:23
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作者 標題 [新聞] Epic Game客戶端會消耗筆電電池續航力
時間 Wed Mar 24 12:06:46 2021
The Epic Games Store could be draining your gaming laptop's battery life
The Epic Games Store could be draining your gaming laptop's battery life | PC Gamer
Folks who game on laptops are eternally battling for battery life, even if gaming laptops have gotten much better in the last few years. Laptop gaming ...
Folks who game on laptops are eternally battling for battery life, even if
gaming laptops have gotten much better in the last few years. Laptop gaming
means doing everything humanly possible to eke out as much life from your
system as possible. Bad news for Fortnite players: it turns out that the Epic
Games Store might be draining more juice from your laptop than you'd think.
This comes from PCW's testing of the Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ with the new
11th gen Tiger Lake processors inside. After receiving some inconsistent
results on their battery tests, they discovered that the Epic Games Store app
still running hidden in the taskbar was having a drastic effect on the
tablet's battery life.
PCWorld breaks down their whole testing methodology in the article, but they
ran a battery test in airplane mode on two systems and measured the battery
life with EGS on and off, signed in and running, signed off and running, etc.
to see what kind of impact Epic's platform has on PC.
They found an average drop in battery life by 20 percent (nearly two hours)
on the Pro 7+, and an eight percent drop on the Ryzen-powered Microsoft
Surface Laptop 3. All open applications consume a bit of battery, but it was
surprising to see how much the Epic Game Store was guilty of using.
The same tests were run with the Steam app running in the background and
little to no effect on battery life. Epic responded to PC World's findings by
saying via email that "in general, we are actively working to improve the
performance and reduce the power consumption of our launcher."
The more severe battery drain looks to be an issue with the new Tiger Lake
system or Surface Pro tablets in general. But as shown with the Ryzen system,
the Epic launcher can still affect performance even on non-Tiger Lake
systems, even just running in the background.
So, what can you do in the meantime to make sure you're getting the maximum
battery life on your laptop? Ensure that the Epic Games Store—and, really,
any other apps you're not using—aren't running in the background. Always
check the system tray.
其實就是測試發現,Epic Game的客戶端會增加筆電電池耗電。
Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ 增加20%
Ryzen-powered Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 增加 8%
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WMhhPbk (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1616558809.A.96E.html
※ wizardfizban:轉錄至看板 Steam 03/24 12:06
→ : 如果筆電一直插著充電應該沒影響1F 03/24 12:07
→ : 好耶2F 03/24 12:08
推 : 這還好吧3F 03/24 12:08
推 : 嗯?這是怎麼做到的啊==4F 03/24 12:08
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/24/2021 12:08:57→ : 就是程式寫得爛的意思5F 03/24 12:08
→ : 不意外阿 就一直想推播廣告阿...6F 03/24 12:09
→ : 程式寫太爛、要花更多能源去跑?7F 03/24 12:09
→ : 嘻嘻 這平台何時要島8F 03/24 12:09
→ : 加上程式寫的爛9F 03/24 12:09
→ : 我的origin也會莫名其妙佔10% cpu10F 03/24 12:09
推 : 比那個更重要的是:你不知道他在背景搞什麼東東在耗電11F 03/24 12:09
推 : 你要不要領免費遊戲嘛? 要就別抱怨12F 03/24 12:10
→ : 一直跑一些額外功能就行了13F 03/24 12:10
→ : 在挖礦吧?哈哈14F 03/24 12:10
推 : [震驚] 筆電開機狀態居然會消耗電池壽命15F 03/24 12:11
推 : 背景不知道在幹啥16F 03/24 12:11
推 : 就單純程式寫的爛吧,如果真要做壞事應該會寫好一點才不會被17F 03/24 12:11
→ : batter life 指的是電池續航力18F 03/24 12:11
→ : battery*
→ : battery*
→ : 發現,不過耗電和耗損電池壽命,雖然不是無關,但就有點幹話20F 03/24 12:11
推 : 笑死21F 03/24 12:12
推 : 免費的最__22F 03/24 12:12
→ : 沒有評論、社交功能 噴的電還比 Steam 兇?23F 03/24 12:13
推 : epic啟動器超吃cpu不是一段時間了 還沒修喔24F 03/24 12:13
推 : 開啟Epic一分鐘,會耗損60秒的電池壽命25F 03/24 12:13
推 : 應該是怕你RAM太無聊26F 03/24 12:13
推 : 這種說法有點欲加之罪了吧...27F 03/24 12:14
推 : 又要開戰了嗎?28F 03/24 12:14
推 : R星都能寫爛code了 epic games寫爛code又怎麼了29F 03/24 12:15
推 : 阿就程式寫不好而已,其他的也不見得寫很好30F 03/24 12:15
推 : 騰訊日常31F 03/24 12:15
→ : 而且說增加耗電,標題卻說減少壽命,這意思差多了32F 03/24 12:16
推 : 那我筆電都不開機 就不會損耗壽命了吧33F 03/24 12:17
→ : 不對,會自然耗損到沒電,然後更傷電池34F 03/24 12:17
推 : 新聞標題不意外35F 03/24 12:18
推 : 功能少這麼多還可以這麼爛?!36F 03/24 12:18
→ : 玩遊戲也是增加耗電,最好不要玩37F 03/24 12:18
→ : 戰完遊戲平台,換戰瀏覽器好了38F 03/24 12:18
→ : 承認背景在偷幹壞事很難?39F 03/24 12:23
→ : 我的筆電已經換了三次電池了,直接放棄電池純插電40F 03/24 12:23
※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 03/24/2021 12:24:16推 : 鋰電池本來就用越多壽命損耗越快 要這麼說不是不行啦41F 03/24 12:25
推 : 背景佔用CPU,程式寫的不好42F 03/24 12:25
推 : 一直很納悶chrome 動不動吃CPU到三四十%是怎麼吃43F 03/24 12:26
→ : 的...
→ : 的...
→ : 金山 360 等等……全部掛後台的感覺 開機cpu先燒兩分鐘45F 03/24 12:26
→ : 我的chrome之前吃CPU吃到60%,換成Edge好超多46F 03/24 12:28
推 : 之前有在筆電裝過 Epic預設會用獨顯跑47F 03/24 12:28
→ : 剛看到中國那的討論說裝中國的程式像QQ也會增加耗電48F 03/24 12:28
→ : 所以中國人覺得沒什麼 XD
→ : 所以中國人覺得沒什麼 XD
→ : 開的網頁數一樣多,下載檔案數也一樣才10%~20%50F 03/24 12:29
推 : CPU消耗高也可能是因為多線程優化作得比較好 我是說可能51F 03/24 12:30
推 : 應該說背景吃效能/記憶這種破事 WIN10已經少很多了52F 03/24 12:37
噓 : 這標題超刻意,怎麼不去講chrome還比友牌多耗50%以上53F 03/24 12:37
→ : 因為Chrome很多人用,風向不對= =54F 03/24 12:38
→ : 現在就沒啥人定期在清除暫存了..都等炸掉55F 03/24 12:38
→ : 我認識的人都在用IE,誰在用chrome56F 03/24 12:38
推 : 大概是因為這裡是c恰吧57F 03/24 12:39
推 : 不EY58F 03/24 12:39
→ : 這篇在談遊戲平台的比對 怎會扯Chrome來護航...XD59F 03/24 12:39
推 : 笑死 硬要扯chrome出來幹嘛 epic games是瀏覽器膩60F 03/24 12:40
推 : 所以還能被抓出來罵 就知道多爛XD61F 03/24 12:40
→ : 先問你Epic客戶端跟chrome能做到一樣的事嗎62F 03/24 12:40
推 : Epic可以下載別的瀏覽器嗎63F 03/24 12:42
推 : 背景挖礦?還是回傳資料?64F 03/24 12:42
推 : chrome很吃資源是早就知道的事情了吧 但為什麼那麼多人65F 03/24 12:43
→ : 用 不就是因為功能多
→ : 如果你EPIC做的比steam功能多又穩 那誰會在意你耗資源
→ : 用 不就是因為功能多
→ : 如果你EPIC做的比steam功能多又穩 那誰會在意你耗資源
→ : Epic可以下載別的遊戲平台的個資= =68F 03/24 12:44
→ : 就是Epic功能比Steam少很多又更吃資源才讓人在意呀69F 03/24 12:45
→ : 大家會想功能少那麼多為啥要多吃那麼多資源
→ : 大家會想功能少那麼多為啥要多吃那麼多資源
→ : GC從以前就是把資源吃好吃滿71F 03/24 12:45
推 : EPIC還有他們的引擎商店 那個超卡= =72F 03/24 12:46
推 : STEAM改版很多次 最有感還是把商店切開之後73F 03/24 12:46
推 : 寫得太爛吧 steam也改進十幾年了74F 03/24 12:46
→ : 現在開STEAM 除非你手賤去點商店 不然順得很XD75F 03/24 12:47
→ : 收藏庫上千也是順順順
→ : 收藏庫上千也是順順順
推 : 偷資料耗點電力合情合理吧77F 03/24 12:49
[新聞]Epic啟動器會幫你的CPU加溫 最高增加20度 - 看板 C_Chat - 批踢踢實業坊
原文: 雖然靠著成功的行銷和大量的免費遊戲,Epic Games Store的資安和功能性問題已經逐漸 被人們淡忘,但最近Epic平台似乎又有新毛病了。 根據多名reddit用戶和多家硬體網站的實測,當你開啟Epic啟動器時,即便你什麼都沒作 ,Epic 啟動器也會為你的CPU加溫,最高據說可以提高攝氏20度以上。
原文: 雖然靠著成功的行銷和大量的免費遊戲,Epic Games Store的資安和功能性問題已經逐漸 被人們淡忘,但最近Epic平台似乎又有新毛病了。 根據多名reddit用戶和多家硬體網站的實測,當你開啟Epic啟動器時,即便你什麼都沒作 ,Epic 啟動器也會為你的CPU加溫,最高據說可以提高攝氏20度以上。
推 : 傳資料很辛苦的79F 03/24 12:49
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