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※ 本文為 TLdark 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-02-02 19:21:19
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作者 oqangeloq (OQ)
標題 [閒聊] 線上遊戲的BGM
時間 Sun Feb  1 13:23:27 2015




ECO的 死城?(有點忘了
Emil Chronicle Online OST (HD) - CD2 - Track 06 - memories - YouTube Emil Chronicle Online 6th Anniversary Soundtrack Composer: ACE VGM ripped from original CD as WAV DISCLAIMER. I do not claim any rights of the uploaded song,...


瑪奇 Mabinogi 帕爾赫德族的王子 - YouTube

Mabinogi G17 - NPC_Hywel - YouTube
Mabinogi G17 - NPC_Hywel  © NEXON


楓之谷的西格諾斯? (這個我沒玩,但意外聽到覺得讚




Rohan Soundtrack - Memories of Rohan【Main Theme】 - YouTube
20,000 views in 2011.10.07 !!! Great song from ROHAN online OST.

Armada Guild - Rohan Philippines Marea Server - YouTube
Armada Guild - Rohan Philippines Marea Server Music by Lesiem - Fundamentum Edited by Yuann



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Ragnarok Online OST - Theme Of Al De Baran - YouTube
Ragnarok Online OST - Theme Of Al De Baran

kikikinds: RO RO RO2F 02/01 13:25
lovefall0707: RO 斐揚3F 02/01 13:26
leave3078: 一直滿喜歡ro南門跟城戰的bgm5F 02/01 13:26
Kobelephants: RO無名島6F 02/01 13:26
ellis5566: Ro普隆德拉 斐楊 孟羅克7F 02/01 13:27
Lineage 天堂 最初MIDI BGM音樂 - YouTube
Lineage 天堂 最初MIDI BGM音樂 突然想念起以前的遊戲 大約在我二專二的時候才改成MP3音樂吧

ellis5566: 南門還有波莉的聲音 超讚9F 02/01 13:27
chardavi11: 克魔島  斐陽10F 02/01 13:28
chardavi11: 還有dnf全部的bgm.  QAQ
smallfei79: 法蘭城12F 02/01 13:29
stan1231: RO 魔力13F 02/01 13:30
ncy2000: 魔力寶貝的全部bgm現在還時不時用別的程式播放來回味呢14F 02/01 13:31
stan1231: http://goo.gl/K0zOvu15F 02/01 13:31
Ragnarok Prontera Theme + Voice - YouTube
Prontera ~ Memories of Ragnarok ~ Album Title: Ragnarok Online Original Sound Artist: Lee Seock-Jin / Lee Seung-Yeon Duration: 4:40 Prontera Theme with voice...

et633: 不曉得還有沒有人記得神之領域  聽到OST都覺得舒服16F 02/01 13:32
cesty: 魔力的都超讚17F 02/01 13:33
et633: http://goo.gl/z6rdsv 神之領域 ost18F 02/01 13:33
[아스가르드] Asgard Soundtrack - June - YouTube
[아스가르드] Asgard BGM - June [Video] After Effects CS6 Plugins: No Render Time: 30 Minutes 'Asgard', meaning 'the land of Gods' in ancient German, employed four...

shinobunodok: ECO……現在放這個BGM根本……嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚19F 02/01 13:35
mengjertsai: 天堂表示:20F 02/01 13:37
Mercuryben: DNF全部 台版悲劇21F 02/01 13:38
popcornXL: 魔力跟洛汗22F 02/01 13:41
                     洛汗真的鮮少人知的音樂(? 大作阿
s19951231: http://youtu.be/kZYmYvDG2BU 耶雷弗23F 02/01 13:42
tb5351: https://goo.gl/0zACFs FF14宿屋24F 02/01 13:42
FFXIV OST Innroom BGM ( Behind Closed Doors ) - YouTube
Isn't minion roulette a hoot?! Just a clip of me sitting in the inn room playing with my pets with all but the BGM muted. The track is called Behind Closed D...

Salvere: wounded leaf25F 02/01 13:44
APOLOA: ro的Tread On The Ground跟Streamside都是中央附近的圖26F 02/01 13:45
Skyblade: 天翼之鍊27F 02/01 13:46
※ 編輯: oqangeloq (, 02/01/2015 14:01:09
OK8066889: 洛汗的確是我玩過的OLG裡,唯二會對BGM很有感的 推!28F 02/01 14:01
CryKing: 西格諾斯庭園是BOSS戰的地方...29F 02/01 14:15
tb5351: 偏悲一點的大概就...https://goo.gl/d7f1Ju  トンベリの涙30F 02/01 14:16
FFXIV OST Wanderer's Palace Theme ( A Tonberry's Tears ) - YouTube So this'll be familiar for whoever was speedrunning back in 2.0. Just showing the start of Wanderer's Palace with all but the BGM muted. The track is called ...

tb5351: 對我來說印象最深還是 https://goo.gl/GkOSQa墜天せし者31F 02/01 14:16
FFXIV OST Garuda's Theme ( Fallen Angel ) - Garuda HM - DRG POV - YouTube A video showing the Garuda HM fight with all but the BGM muted. Her theme is called Fallen Angel and can be found in game, on the Before Meteor Soundtrack an...

tb5351: 和 https://goo.gl/Y3dsOu 雷光雷鳴,但是一點都不抒情 XD32F 02/01 14:16
FFXIV OST Ramuh's Theme (Thunder Rolls) BRD POV - YouTube
Just a vid showing section of the Ramuh HM fight with all but the BGM muted. The track is titled "Thunder Rolls," currently this track can only be found in g...

Nagi8104: 魔力 刀劍 RO33F 02/01 14:18
Secret193: 以前都掛在法蘭城XD34F 02/01 14:38
bacon1989: RO的音樂我到現在都還會哼35F 02/01 15:28
shlee: 以前玩天堂2 很多地方的音樂都很棒37F 02/01 15:45
gn00465971: 看到麻痺的BGM 還以為會是黑玫瑰 居然不是38F 02/01 15:48
Nobunagas Ambition Online - Realization of a great ambition - YouTube 信長の野望 Online ~飛龍の章~ soundtrack - 大願成就.

shena30335: 信ON 大願成就(BOSS戰)40F 02/01 15:48
Mabinogi-G1 魅魔的歌曲 - YouTube

Mabinogi BGM - Succubus Theme Song - YouTube
This is the mabinogi backround music for the succubus in rabbie dungy. ^^

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm - Night Song - YouTube
The new night elf version of Lament of the Highborne for Cataclysm! Title: Night Song This music is property of Blizzard Entertainment, and is only used for ...

middleheart: wow Night song  首推!!44F 02/01 17:07
nk10803: 天翼之鍊 全部45F 02/01 17:33
Talesweaver - Tales Are About To Be Weaved - YouTube
" This video is purely made for fun, all the image and music's copy right belong to Nexon " One of my favorite game I ever played. For Talesweaver and its wo...

allen20937: 天翼很多神曲 希望快點出單機版49F 02/01 17:53
yes78529: RO超經典,喜歡吉分50F 02/01 19:29
TLdark: https://youtu.be/DIOsvL_Mew0 Tales Weaver (天翼之鍊)51F 02/01 19:56
TLdark: https://youtu.be/b3X5X1AgDzY Trickster (卡巴拉島)52F 02/01 19:56
Trickster Online OST (Download in desc.) - YouTube
From the original sound folder. Download:  Play English Trickster at

payon: Ro 我Id53F 02/01 20:20
NYMets5566: http://youtu.be/kAcvd1gvAN0 楓之谷 克里賽基地54F 02/01 20:57
新楓之谷 克里塞基地 【背景音樂】 - YouTube
更多新楓之谷音樂就在: 載點:

NYMets5566: http://youtu.be/EKmCHMNbTPw 楓之谷 時間神殿55F 02/01 21:06
新楓之谷-時間神殿(背景音樂) - YouTube

NYMets5566: http://youtu.be/bgsXOXSaZKs 楓之谷 Raindrop Flower56F 02/01 21:13
[メイプルストーリーBGM(MapleStory)]Raindrop Flower - YouTube
メイプルストーリー公式サイト エレヴの周辺の曲。シグナス騎士団のキャラクターを作成したときに、最初に聞くことになる曲でもあります。雰囲気にぴったり。 メイプルのBGM紹介してます。

kuseang: http://youtu.be/aE6YyEfeSp8 超懷念的Q_Q57F 02/02 00:05
kuseang: http://youtu.be/LKnQQLtYFGs 這首也很推!58F 02/02 00:06
kuseang: http://youtu.be/V2eoN8tJVIY GE最喜歡這首59F 02/02 00:07
fate201: TW goodnight, Narvik60F 02/02 02:19

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