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作者 標題 [閒聊] 有沒有英文歌曲的音樂?
時間 Tue Jul 28 21:06:40 2015
英文的話最好 非英文也OK
目前只想到 神知 最後流亡
空之音(?) 妖尾某主題曲 交響情人夢 巴黎篇
請推薦給我吧 !
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推 : 心靈判官OP2 BECK全系列1F 07/28 21:07
推 : 平澤進語可以嗎?2F 07/28 21:08
推 : A/Z那首 突然忘了叫啥@@3F 07/28 21:08
→ : 攻殼TV版兩季OP 俄語夾雜英語 ED全英語 都很好聽4F 07/28 21:08
→ : RWBY系列的也可以找找看5F 07/28 21:09
推 : A/Z是指 breathless嗎6F 07/28 21:09
→ : 啊 對 BRE@TH//LESS7F 07/28 21:10
推 : RWBY系列+18F 07/28 21:10
正在聽之前沒認真聽 RWBY音樂真心讚!推 : リンゴ日和 ~The Wolf Whistling Song(狼與香辛料)9F 07/28 21:10
→ : 早上才在複習的OVER THE CLOUD10F 07/28 21:11
推 : AIMER的"A LETTER" "holLow wORlD"11F 07/28 21:11
→ : 雖然跟ACG有點沒關係,但MGS5在宣傳用過兩首超棒的歌曲14F 07/28 21:12
ひぐらしのなく頃に ED 「why,or why not」 Full ver. - YouTube
There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Enjoyment. There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Implementa...
There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Enjoyment. There is a right for everyone to become happy. The difficult is the Implementa...

推 : beyond the bounds16F 07/28 21:13
Berserk 《剣風伝奇 黄金時代篇I 覇王の卵》重制MV Aria 平沢進 - YouTube Cross-Cheung 大厨制作MAD 《剣風伝奇 -黄金時代篇I - 覇王の卵》重制MV -Aria- 平沢進.f4v

→ : Nuclear和Not Your Kind of People18F 07/28 21:13
→ : Cowboy Bebop 灰羽連盟 .hack//SIGN19F 07/28 21:13
推 : 亡念ed、未來日記op、雙面騎士ed、寒蟬ed20F 07/28 21:13
推 : 攻殼二期插入曲I DO21F 07/28 21:14
推 : devil惡魔 may五月 cry哭22F 07/28 21:14
推 : 死亡代理人op24F 07/28 21:15
推 : 銀英傳全OP26F 07/28 21:16
→ : Fear not this night跟WOW的Invincible27F 07/28 21:16
Fair Wind From Slayers TRY - YouTube
My baby you don't know how much I love you behind of you Cause (you) always look (at) the front to get your dream in future My baby you don't know whether yo...
My baby you don't know how much I love you behind of you Cause (you) always look (at) the front to get your dream in future My baby you don't know whether yo...

推 : 寄生獸op?29F 07/28 21:16
Attack on titan AMV Vogel im Käfig - YouTube
AMV for series Attack on titan. This is my tribute to this amazing series with lyrics. Hope we will see second season. ;) Sit and enjoy. Music used: Vogel im...
AMV for series Attack on titan. This is my tribute to this amazing series with lyrics. Hope we will see second season. ;) Sit and enjoy. Music used: Vogel im...

推 : 絕園暴風雨OP131F 07/28 21:19
→ : 夏娜的也不少33F 07/28 21:21
推 : 熾天使op好像也全英文?34F 07/28 21:21
「God only knows ~Secrets of the Goddess~」[OP1 TWGOK3] - YouTube OP 1 de la tercera temporada de TWGOK interpretado por Hayami Saori

→ : God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess 神知女神篇OP36F 07/28 21:22
哦哦 原來有那麼多! 聽太少了 來慢慢聽~推 : 寒禪ed why or why not37F 07/28 21:23
→ : 死亡代理人OP38F 07/28 21:24
推 : 兵部京介39F 07/28 21:25
推 : 拔劍曲不是英文吧40F 07/28 21:26
哦 應該改一下標題 我是想找非日文的歌 想起副歌好像是日文 修掉
ELISA euphoric field (English)歌詞 - YouTube
ef - a tale of memories OP Why am I standing alone in the twilight Let me go, no more lonely nights I take a deep breath under the hazy sky Feel like losing,...
ef - a tale of memories OP Why am I standing alone in the twilight Let me go, no more lonely nights I take a deep breath under the hazy sky Feel like losing,...

【MV】 NoisyCell - Last Theater MV ver. - YouTube
NoisyCell 1st Full Album「Sources」 2015.07.01 Release!! VPCC-81843 ¥2,315 +税 ◇初の全国流通盤 ◇PABLO(Pay money To my Pain)サウンドプロデュース ◇「TVアニメ「デス・パレード」 EDテーマ「Last Theat...
NoisyCell 1st Full Album「Sources」 2015.07.01 Release!! VPCC-81843 ¥2,315 +税 ◇初の全国流通盤 ◇PABLO(Pay money To my Pain)サウンドプロデュース ◇「TVアニメ「デス・パレード」 EDテーマ「Last Theat...

→ : 死亡遊行ed44F 07/28 21:28
Hellsing Ultimate OST - Broken English (No Hitler) - YouTube
Artist: Schaft Song: Broken English Image: Copyright Nazis, go find whatever long quote says it's ok for this video to be up, that way I ...
Artist: Schaft Song: Broken English Image: Copyright Nazis, go find whatever long quote says it's ok for this video to be up, that way I ...

→ : 突然想到柏慎的台語版翻唱OP(?)46F 07/28 21:29
狼與香辛料 ED (HD) - YouTube
狼と香辛料 狼與香辛料 Spice and Wolf ED HD リンゴ日和 〜The Wolf Whistling Song 作詞:Chris Mosdell 作曲:山下太郎&noe 編曲:保刈久明 歌:ROCKY CHACK 中文歌詞 英語歌詞: O seven apples on a witch's tre...
狼と香辛料 狼與香辛料 Spice and Wolf ED HD リンゴ日和 〜The Wolf Whistling Song 作詞:Chris Mosdell 作曲:山下太郎&noe 編曲:保刈久明 歌:ROCKY CHACK 中文歌詞 英語歌詞: O seven apples on a witch's tre...

推 : 來吧甜蜜的死亡48F 07/28 21:30
→ : 兵長砍人專用曲50F 07/28 21:31
推 : 他應該是說拔劍曲是德文+英文吧 沒日文吧@@51F 07/28 21:34
我還以為是英文+日文 記錯啦XD→ : Through the Years and Far Away 很妙的一首...52F 07/28 21:35
→ : 歌詞明明是英文,原唱聽起來卻像日文 XD
→ : 歌詞明明是英文,原唱聽起來卻像日文 XD
推 : release my soul54F 07/28 21:36
HMKids - Seduced by Daemonette - YouTube
The pain bringing pleasure Fatal embraces, bliss of an edge of a knife Painful and charming, disposal of mortal life Chorus you not protected by your shield ...
The pain bringing pleasure Fatal embraces, bliss of an edge of a knife Painful and charming, disposal of mortal life Chorus you not protected by your shield ...

→ : HMKIDS58F 07/28 21:38
當然可以 !The Light Before we Land - Gunslinger Girl OP [Full Version]Lyrics - YouTube The opening for Gunslinger Girl, full version. I do not own. -LYRICS- In cases such as these I'd like a hand Don't wake me up without a master plan With sile...

【ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト】主題歌「Dance!」 公開! - YouTube ペルソナシリーズに新ジャンル、Pサウンドアクション登場! PlayStation®Vita専用ソフト「ペルソナ4 ダンシング・オールナイト」 主題歌「Dance!」 リリックムービーを公開! 公式サイトはコチラ

推 : Blumenkranz61F 07/28 21:44
東のエデン OP - YouTube
東のエデン OP OP字幕有微誤 應該是we live 'n dying dream, 而不是we live a dying dream POPGO的朋友麻煩轉告字幕組
東のエデン OP OP字幕有微誤 應該是we live 'n dying dream, 而不是we live a dying dream POPGO的朋友麻煩轉告字幕組

Lain opening [Full] - YouTube
Lyrics by Brad Holmes Sung by Konaka Riyu Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Wi...
Lyrics by Brad Holmes Sung by Konaka Riyu Song: Duvet And you don't seem to understand A shame you seemed an honest man And all the fears you hold so dear Wi...

Persona Q - Maze of Life -Full Ver - (Lyrics) - YouTube
Maze of Life -Full Version- Singer : Yumi Kawamura feat Shihoko Hirata Composer: Shoji Meguro Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth OST From the game Persona Q ...
Maze of Life -Full Version- Singer : Yumi Kawamura feat Shihoko Hirata Composer: Shoji Meguro Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth OST From the game Persona Q ...

→ : PERSONA Q 遊戲OP65F 07/28 21:47
PERSONA之前收過 但不知道是哪首 有時間來找這系列的歌推 : 澤野弘之作的曲不少是德文或英文66F 07/28 21:47
Wolf's Rain - Stray (Full) - YouTube
Stray! Stray! In the cold breeze that I walk along The memories of generations burn within me Been forever since I cried the pain and sorrow I live and die, ...
Stray! Stray! In the cold breeze that I walk along The memories of generations burn within me Been forever since I cried the pain and sorrow I live and die, ...

→ : 其實PERSONA系列的英文曲超多的,潮度滿分(?68F 07/28 21:48
聽起來感覺是蠻潮的 哈哈推 : SAC I II的OP ED69F 07/28 21:49
舞hime - It's only the fairly tale - YouTube
最喜欢的MV之一,宮村優子的声音把这首歌诠释得很好,不一定是欧美歌手才能把英文歌唱得好听!悲It''s only the fairy tale 歌词: Who are those little girls in pain 这些苦痛的少女们是谁? just trapped in castle of dark sid...
最喜欢的MV之一,宮村優子的声音把这首歌诠释得很好,不一定是欧美歌手才能把英文歌唱得好听!悲It''s only the fairy tale 歌词: Who are those little girls in pain 这些苦痛的少女们是谁? just trapped in castle of dark sid...

Gabriela Robin - "Moon" [lyrics] ♫ - YouTube
Beautiful song from anime "∀ Gundam", performed by Gabriela Robin and composed by Yoko Kanno. Thank You Nessa.
Beautiful song from anime "∀ Gundam", performed by Gabriela Robin and composed by Yoko Kanno. Thank You Nessa.

→ : アヤカシ op73F 07/28 21:52
Persona 4 The Animation Opening 1 - sky's the limit (Extended) - YouTube So after hearing the Persona 4 op, I figured "Why not make it longer?" so I did Download here:

Key Plus Words-Persona 4 The Animation Opening 2 - YouTube
Persona 4, Key Plus Words, Persona 4 the animation, Persona 4 music Lyrics Hide and seek, it wants to play again Like a detective, I won't let it get away It...
Persona 4, Key Plus Words, Persona 4 the animation, Persona 4 music Lyrics Hide and seek, it wants to play again Like a detective, I won't let it get away It...

Persona 4 Golden - Shadow World (Full) - YouTube
EDIT: I've had Vita for a year now. Still haven't bought P4G, haven't found a physical for cheap. I've plenty of hours in the PS2 version. Mainline SMT is be...
EDIT: I've had Vita for a year now. Still haven't bought P4G, haven't found a physical for cheap. I've plenty of hours in the PS2 version. Mainline SMT is be...

推 : EVA TV版用名曲Fly Me to the Moon當ED78F 07/28 21:54
沒看過TV板 這首真不錯聽 !Burn My Dread -Spring of Birth Ver.- Persona 3 Spring of Birth #1 - YouTube I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING Content claimed: All audio content and image.

Opening Black Lagoon -- Red Fraction (full version) - YouTube This is my other channel, where I will upload videos of gameplays. I hope you like :) Este es mi otro canal, donde subiré vídeos de gameplays de comedia. Esp...

"Libera Me From Hell" with subs - YouTube
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...
Libera me from Hell - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Rap: Tarantula (from Hi-Timez) Operetta: Kasahara Yuri Lyrics: Tarantula/Traditional Music & Arrangement: Iw...

Guilty Crown - Release My Soul - YouTube
About: Guilty Crown Original Sound Track Title: Release My Soul lyrics: mpi music: Hiroyuki Sawano vocal: Aimee Blackschleager
About: Guilty Crown Original Sound Track Title: Release My Soul lyrics: mpi music: Hiroyuki Sawano vocal: Aimee Blackschleager

→ : y soul87F 07/28 21:59
→ : JOJO片尾曲XDD88F 07/28 22:00
想害我?! XD 不過還是聽了Mirai Nikki OP2 「Dead END」 飛蘭 (HD) - YouTube
未來日記 未来日記 Mirai Nikki OP2 HD Dead END Singer:飛蘭 (Faylan) 英語歌詞 English Subtitles lyrics: The girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh I meet you at your story B...
未來日記 未来日記 Mirai Nikki OP2 HD Dead END Singer:飛蘭 (Faylan) 英語歌詞 English Subtitles lyrics: The girl with the sharp thorn in her flesh I meet you at your story B...

→ : 未來日記OP2 貼心的英文字幕90F 07/28 22:01
還好當初沒看這部 感覺蠻獵奇的..推 : ət'熥 0N t ɪtn91F 07/28 22:01
Ar Tonelico III - EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. (中文字幕) - YouTube
Ar Tonelico III -EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. 作詞/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:伊藤真澄 Vocal:KOKIA 【Hymmnos語翻譯參考】 Hymmno Server: Hymmnos - Conl...
Ar Tonelico III -EXEC_COSMOFLIPS/. 作詞/作曲:KOKIA 编曲:伊藤真澄 Vocal:KOKIA 【Hymmnos語翻譯參考】 Hymmno Server: Hymmnos - Conl...

Mizu no Madoromi (Russian Version) HQ - YouTube
Mizu no Madoromi by Origa Fantastic Children Closing Credits Theme The slide show program I used was Proshow. The pictures are by Kagaya from the Celestial E...
Mizu no Madoromi by Origa Fantastic Children Closing Credits Theme The slide show program I used was Proshow. The pictures are by Kagaya from the Celestial E...

(update)Ar Tonelico 3 EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/. with lyrics - YouTube アルトネリコIII「EXEC_FLIP_ARPHAGE/.」 ニコニコ動画からの転載でなくうp主制作 歌詞付き ヒュムノスフォントver1.1使用 アルシエラフォントver0.9使用 1:36-1:42の歌詞の間違いを修正 4:10-4:12の歌詞の表示タイミングを修正

→ : 說到攻殼OP唱者origa的話這首水のまどろみ也有俄文版95F 07/28 22:07
換了語言 聽了感覺差真多The sore feet song ||Mushishi openign Full|| - YouTube
Lyrics: I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you, And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you, I climbed up every hills to get, ...
Lyrics: I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you, And every gasp of breath i grabbed at just to find you, I climbed up every hills to get, ...

Mushishi Zoku Shou-Full OP/Opening-Lucy Rose-Shiver - YouTube absolutely perfect image: Audio Spectrum: "Copyright Disclaim...

→ : 蟲師兩季OP 大愛98F 07/28 22:08
真的很好聽耶 ! 改天來補這部治癒一下好了推 : lilium-妖精的旋律op99F 07/28 22:09
Kill la Kill Before My Body is Dry Lyrics - YouTube
Anime: Kill la Kill Song: Before My Body is Dry/Don't Lose your Way
Anime: Kill la Kill Song: Before My Body is Dry/Don't Lose your Way

Kill la Kill - Blumenkranz [w/lyrics + translation] - YouTube thanks to Sawano Hiroyuki that make this epic song :3

推 : 來幾首拉丁語的102F 07/28 22:20
推 : Lia的Ana103F 07/28 22:20
Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Original Soundtrack : Main Title - YouTube Hitman 2 Soundtrack : Main Title

01 The White Room And Main Title - YouTube
The White Room And Main Title by Jesper Kyd from the Hitman: Contracts Original Soundtrack I Do Not Own Hitman
The White Room And Main Title by Jesper Kyd from the Hitman: Contracts Original Soundtrack I Do Not Own Hitman

Hitman-Apocalypse - YouTube
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)
Soundtrack from Hitman, by Jesper Kyd, with some pics, hope you enjoy, ;)

推 : Nier的OST,所有曲子都是造語109F 07/28 22:26
推 : mpi - reluctant heroes,澤野作曲110F 07/28 22:34
推 : 澤野很喜歡作這種的歌111F 07/28 22:37
推 : SAKI的OP2......咦 你說那都是日文?112F 07/28 22:37
【OST】原罪之冠(Guilty Crown)- βίος - YouTube
【OST】原罪之冠(Guilty Crown)- βίος (附CC字幕)(720P) 歌名:『βίος』原曲名是用希臘文,意思是「生命」 歌詞是德文與英文 女聲為德文 男聲為英文 作詞:Rie 作曲、編曲:澤野弘之 歌手:小林未郁 知識小站: 勿忘草 = 勿忘我 ≠ 星辰花 勿忘草: 【花語】不要把我忘記、真實...
【OST】原罪之冠(Guilty Crown)- βίος (附CC字幕)(720P) 歌名:『βίος』原曲名是用希臘文,意思是「生命」 歌詞是德文與英文 女聲為德文 男聲為英文 作詞:Rie 作曲、編曲:澤野弘之 歌手:小林未郁 知識小站: 勿忘草 = 勿忘我 ≠ 星辰花 勿忘草: 【花語】不要把我忘記、真實...

推 : 聖魔之血的ed跟插入曲都是喔116F 07/28 22:43
ZoE-Beyond the Bounds - YouTube
Well I´ve made this cause there was another vid like that with the title Heart of air and in one of the comments a user said that he wish a vid like this so ...
Well I´ve made this cause there was another vid like that with the title Heart of air and in one of the comments a user said that he wish a vid like this so ...

推 : Persona4系列118F 07/28 22:56
トリニティ・ブラッド - Broken Wings (ED) - YouTube
トリニティ・ブラッド - Broken Wings ( TW / EN / JP lyrice ) By trynumber ( Taiwan )
トリニティ・ブラッド - Broken Wings ( TW / EN / JP lyrice ) By trynumber ( Taiwan )

Everytime You Kissed Me (lyrics) - YouTube
From Pandora Hearts Original Soundtrack 2 Music composed by Yuki Kajiura Vocals by Emily Bindiger I do not own this music.
From Pandora Hearts Original Soundtrack 2 Music composed by Yuki Kajiura Vocals by Emily Bindiger I do not own this music.

→ : 潘朵拉之心插入曲121F 07/28 23:02
推 : 東方 no life queen呢122F 07/28 23:44
Gintama ED02 - Mr. Raindrop - Amplified FULL HQ - YouTube
Uploader's note: Thanks for subscribing in my channel!! Subscribe to get the latest uploads. (My last upload date is Feb 2014 LOL! Sorry 'bout that.) Check o...
Uploader's note: Thanks for subscribing in my channel!! Subscribe to get the latest uploads. (My last upload date is Feb 2014 LOL! Sorry 'bout that.) Check o...

推 : ef124F 07/29 00:12
推 : 東之伊甸op找綠洲唱的,推一個125F 07/29 00:17
Full Metal Alchemist OST 1 - Brothers - YouTube
Brothers Anime: Full Metal Alchemist OST: Full Metal Alchemist OST 1 (2003) [audio] Fullmetal Alchemi...
Brothers Anime: Full Metal Alchemist OST: Full Metal Alchemist OST 1 (2003) [audio] Fullmetal Alchemi...

i do - GHOST IN THE SHELL O.S.T.2 - - YouTube
GHOST IN THE SHELL / 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX O.S.T2 / 2004 all music by yoko kanno i do (4:49) words: ilaria graziano / vocal: ilaria graziano
GHOST IN THE SHELL / 攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX O.S.T2 / 2004 all music by yoko kanno i do (4:49) words: ilaria graziano / vocal: ilaria graziano

→ : 推攻殼2期 I do128F 07/29 04:20
推 : Project A-Ko129F 07/29 10:06
從早上聽到現在總算聽完了 收了不少好歌 感謝推薦 ~※ 編輯: terry88219 (, 07/29/2015 19:52:47
※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 893
作者 terry88219 的最新發文:
- 好像並不意外地拿金獎 最終回收的平穩但又感覺少了什麼 看到久美子回憶知道官方就是要給你感動點 但是獨奏給久美子鏡頭回憶三年高中生活 只給觀眾滿滿的不滿感 阿我就想看久美子獨奏阿 不是看她感慨學園生活 …98F 27推
- 8F 5推
- 7F 6推
- RT 自從旅途看完就沒怎麼動力看沒有智爺的寶可夢 最後的番外特別篇也還沒看 大概是因為當初追旅途扣除少部分好看的劇情,噁心的操作與劇情深植人心 遲遲沒有看新作動畫的慾望 想問下有追到最新進度的人,認 …38F 29推
- 53F 16推