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※ 本文為 layzer 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-09-13 08:18:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 mayaman ( 馬雅人)
標題 Fw: [新聞] 墨西哥發現馬雅時期被斬首的俘虜骨骸
時間 Thu Sep 12 21:36:55 2013

※ [本文轉錄自 Ancient 看板 #1ICSDRZL ]

看板 Ancient
作者 mayaman ( 馬雅人)
標題 Re: [新聞] 墨西哥發現馬雅時期被斬首的俘虜骨骸
時間 Thu Sep 12 21:36:24 2013

很清楚。這座城市城市位於Campeche,在前古典晚期大城El Mirodor跟古典期晚
期大城Calakmul附近。目前認為大概西元630年左右,Calakmul 打下了Uxul,並
且開始統治這座城市,一直到西元705年左右,Calakmul 似乎漸漸沒有影響到這


※ 引述《shinshong (鍋は人生の縮図である)》之銘言:
: Beheaded Maya Massacre Victims Found
: 發現馬雅時期被斬首的屠殺犧牲者
: Two dozen Maya war captives were beheaded, dismembered, and buried
: unceremoniously some 1,400 years ago at the site of Uxul, an international
: team reported on Tuesday.
: 星期二,一個國際研究團隊發表,在墨西哥 Uxul 發現24名被斬首、肢解、亂葬的
: 馬雅戰俘,距今約1400年前。
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


: The victims were likely rulers of nearby towns at war with Uxul, located in
: southern Mexico, or the dethroned rulers of the town itself, according to the
: researchers. The discovery of the mass burial in an artificial cave adds to
: the evidence that the brutal warfare, torture, and sacrifice of captives widely
: depicted in ancient Maya artwork were real practices, says discovery team
: archaeologist Nicolaus Seefeld of Germany's University of Bonn.
: 這些骨骸也許是與 Uxul 交戰的鄰近城鎮的統治者,位於南墨西哥,或者是被罷黜王位的
: 本地統治者。「這次在這個人造洞穴發現的亂葬崗,使得原本廣泛地被描繪在馬雅藝術品
: 上的殘酷戰鬥及對戰俘的凌虐有了確切的證據。」研究團隊中的德國波昂大學考古學家
: Nicolaus Seefeld 如是說。


基本上,1950年到1960年的馬雅研究,可以說是英國人Eric Thompson的時代。








: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Of the two dozen skeletons discovered at the site earlier this year, the team
: was able to determine that at least 13 were men and 2 were women. Their ages
: at death ranged from 18 to 42. "Some of them had jade inserts in their teeth,
: which we think means they were high-status members of the ruling class," says
: Seefeld.
: 在這24具骨骸中,研究團隊判斷至少有13名男性與2名女性,死亡時的年紀在18到42歲之
: 間,「有些人的牙齒有鑲玉,表示他們是具有高地位的統治階層。」Seefeld 說。




: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: "All of them were decapitated, and the bones were scattered," Seefeld adds.
: The neck bones of the victims exhibit hatchet cuts, and several of the skulls
: bear unhealed marks from hatchet and cudgel blows. The skulls were piled some
: distance away from the skeletons in the burial chamber, a 344-square-foot
: (32-square-meter) rectangular cave once used to store water.
: 「所有人都被斬首,骨頭四處散佈。」Seefeld 補充道。頸骨部位顯示出斧頭的砍痕,一
: 些頭顱受到斧頭與棍棒的重擊。頭顱被堆放在一起,在墓穴中與骨骸分開堆放,而這墓穴
: 面積為344平方英尺(32平方公尺),是曾經被用來儲水的矩形洞穴。 
: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: The victims were buried without any of the offerings or jewelry typically
: seen in royal burials, aside from a few potsherds that allowed the researchers
: to roughly date the time of their massacre. At the time, Uxul was apparently
: ruled by a local dynasty, though it later came under the control of Calakmul.
: The latter city was the superpower of the classic Maya era, which ended after
: A.D. 800 with the widespread abandonment, or collapse, of the pyramid-filled
: cities of Central America.
: 這些死者被埋葬時,並沒有一般貴族喪禮中會出現的祭品或是寶物,除了一些瓦片,讓研
: 究人員可以推敲出這場慘案大概的發生時間。在當時,Uxul 地區被當地的王朝統治,雖
: 然在後來被納入 Calakmul 城邦的統治之下。後者(指 Calakmul)曾是中美洲馬雅古典時
: 期的強大勢力(superpower),在西元800年時沒落,留下大規模的廢墟。
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: "Most likely these were soldiers dispatched after being captured in warfare,
: or else [were] the local rulers themselves after being usurped," says
: archaeologist Arthur Demarest of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, who was
: not part of the discovery team.
: 「最有可能的是,這些是戰爭中被捕獲的戰士,不然就是被篡奪王位的本地統治者。」
: 納什維爾范德堡大學的考古學家 Arthur Demarest 說道。
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Seefeld originally investigated the burial site looking to unearth the water
: system of the town, which was abandoned before A.D. 800, early in the era of
: Maya collapse. Instead of a cistern, he found the buried skeletons under 6.6
: feet (2 meters) of sand and a layer of clay. "The cave once provided water to
: nearby elite residences, but we don't know if there is any connection to the
: people who lived there," he says.
: Seefeld 原本是在調查西元800年之前被遺棄的城鎮水道系統。但是他找到了這個在2公尺
: 的砂與一層黏土底下的埋骨洞穴。「這個洞穴曾經為附近的高級居住區提供水,但我們不
: 曉得是否與居住在那裡的人有任何關聯。」Seefeld 說。
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: For now, the team hopes that chemical isotope analysis of the bones will reveal
: whether the beheading victims were local nobles or invaders captured during a
: war between Maya cities. The results should be known in November, Seefeld says,
: offering more insight into who won and who lost this one particularly fierce
: fight.
: 目前,研究團隊希望同位素分析這些骨骸,能知道這些被斬首的死者是本地權貴或是在馬
: 雅城邦間的戰爭中被俘虜的入侵者。分析結果將會在十一月出爐,能更深入了解這場戰鬥
: 中誰輸誰贏。


就提到Calakmul與La Corona的關係。提到西元635年,卡拉穆的統治者Yuknoom
Yich'aak K'ahk進行的一系列儀式。同時,如果我們看回這篇新聞,可以可知道



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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
※ 轉錄者: mayaman (, 時間: 09/12/2013 21:36:55
ilove1530: 頭推1F 09/12 21:37
meredith001:耶 上鉤了2F 09/12 21:37
kopfschuss:MAYAMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!3F 09/12 21:37
steward135:召喚mayaman4F 09/12 21:37
s902131:wow5F 09/12 21:37
a0170801708:未看先推6F 09/12 21:37
UC93:MAYA7F 09/12 21:37
goot1214:推8F 09/12 21:37
BKD:9F 09/12 21:37
Mahoutsukai:先推再看10F 09/12 21:37
magi3Q:樓下mayaman11F 09/12 21:37
a1400:推12F 09/12 21:37
AAAC:舉手13F 09/12 21:37
Howard61313:馬雅人!!!    對不起我現在馬上認真看完14F 09/12 21:37
m2488663:推推15F 09/12 21:37
gdm0037:未看先推16F 09/12 21:37
Israfil:馬雅人會有團圓烤肉的習俗嗎?17F 09/12 21:37
vans520:推推推18F 09/12 21:37
Z999:mayaman!!!!!!!!19F 09/12 21:37
heartstrings:出現了20F 09/12 21:37
amurox:XD 你是一上線就收尋馬雅嗎21F 09/12 21:37
audiRS3:end22F 09/12 21:37
ha0118:推23F 09/12 21:37
shcjosh:原來不是被外星人帶走24F 09/12 21:37
lc536894:推25F 09/12 21:37
darren8221:Mayaman!26F 09/12 21:38
ichup:push27F 09/12 21:38
q77777892:馬雅人!!!!!!搶百推內!28F 09/12 21:38
flamer:有看完 但是一知半解29F 09/12 21:38
mine027204:好屌30F 09/12 21:38
lianhua:推!!31F 09/12 21:38
JINGIBYE:推32F 09/12 21:38
helpiou:前100推33F 09/12 21:38
rnrm:馬雅人推34F 09/12 21:38
Mleg:雖然我每次都END 不過推一下好了35F 09/12 21:38
litthe:推!!36F 09/12 21:38
gdsword:野生的馬雅人!37F 09/12 21:38
longkiss0618:你好!你好!你好!你好!你好!你好!38F 09/12 21:38
quietapau:推!maya!39F 09/12 21:38
OyAlbert:專業40F 09/12 21:38
Tenging:前50推41F 09/12 21:38
brian155266:推!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!42F 09/12 21:38
cancer0708:你好慘忍!!!!43F 09/12 21:39
r1239386:前100~45F 09/12 21:39
bensn101:推馬雅人~~~46F 09/12 21:39
gusser:推47F 09/12 21:39
allen944009:我有看完!(舉手)48F 09/12 21:39
a121359329:推!49F 09/12 21:39
babufong:馬雅人!50F 09/12 21:39
jet113102:先膜拜再說51F 09/12 21:39
hey0703:推52F 09/12 21:39
know12345:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/53F 09/12 21:39
kiddlau:釣到啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!54F 09/12 21:39
perfect1020:推推55F 09/12 21:39
orz:完全看不懂  還是推56F 09/12 21:39
q1237926:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/57F 09/12 21:40
rexrick:舉手58F 09/12 21:40
a1233045:媽我在這59F 09/12 21:40
c020488911:我看完了!(舉手)可是有看沒有懂.....60F 09/12 21:40
OoJudyoO:佔位61F 09/12 21:40
allen80714:舉手!!!!62F 09/12 21:40
dh127:墨西哥:斬首是我國自古保留到今的優良傳統63F 09/12 21:40
swatch3484:64F 09/12 21:41
henry1234562:前一百!!65F 09/12 21:41
tingjj:百推以內66F 09/12 21:41
z02852001:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/67F 09/12 21:41
playerj:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/68F 09/12 21:41
O800092000:百日內69F 09/12 21:41
a600tw:推就對了~~70F 09/12 21:41
vistas:用海棠小姐的頭髮拉阿拉 就釣到惹71F 09/12 21:41
know12345:舉手~72F 09/12 21:41
walife:太強了!!73F 09/12 21:42
shinshong:推!!!74F 09/12 21:42
Arkzeon:出現了! 十倍奉還的馬雅人 !75F 09/12 21:42
deeplymiss:膜拜76F 09/12 21:42
a3300689:馬雅人!!!77F 09/12 21:42
freeway56:推78F 09/12 21:42
inspire0201:先推再說\mayaman/79F 09/12 21:42
Anail:馬雅人!!!80F 09/12 21:42
henry1234562:看完舉手!!81F 09/12 21:42
Simonfenix:馬雅人 馬雅人 馬雅人 馬雅人 馬雅人 馬雅人 馬雅人82F 09/12 21:42
Only0nly:舉手83F 09/12 21:42
same60710:馬雅人必推!!!!84F 09/12 21:42
scottlu28:...85F 09/12 21:42
realleader:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/我有看完86F 09/12 21:42
leocean:有看沒有懂推87F 09/12 21:42
coldlian:推88F 09/12 21:42
abc06:搶到100內了89F 09/12 21:42
vance6313:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/90F 09/12 21:42
z02852001:我也有看完 (舉手91F 09/12 21:42
torosome:未看先推92F 09/12 21:43
whalebaby:先推再說\mayaman/93F 09/12 21:43
derric:台灣馬雅研究第一把交椅94F 09/12 21:43
Anail:忘了舉手 (舉95F 09/12 21:43
midnightsnow:看完了舉手~~~(@_@)/96F 09/12 21:43
Artemis2k:有看完有推 :D97F 09/12 21:44
alvar:我還沒看98F 09/12 21:44
pd80123:\mayaman/99F 09/12 21:44
lzylzy123:(舉手100F 09/12 21:44
cross0619:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/101F 09/12 21:44
g03654:舉手!102F 09/12 21:44
milkteacon:103F 09/12 21:45
erc:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/104F 09/12 21:46
twtpew:推105F 09/12 21:46
vizcacha:看完了舉手~~~(@_@)/   有看不太懂XDDD106F 09/12 21:46
udm:舉手107F 09/12 21:46
menyo:我有看完!!!!!!!!!!108F 09/12 21:46
wanderer8086:舉手!!109F 09/12 21:46
charia:推110F 09/12 21:46
sofaly:111F 09/12 21:46
nightwing:  112F 09/12 21:46
seedpk5079:113F 09/12 21:46
udm:寫有看完沒寫舉手的,很明顯沒看完XD114F 09/12 21:46
Cervelo1995:幹 擺推內!115F 09/12 21:47
tcc1210:mayaman好強116F 09/12 21:47
eric19850629:我有看完標題(舉手117F 09/12 21:47
F2012:有看沒有懂cc118F 09/12 21:47
liaon98:召喚成功!119F 09/12 21:47
gottsucher:未看先推120F 09/12 21:47
gamesame7711:121F 09/12 21:48
catcherry:xd122F 09/12 21:48
tony70721:爆123F 09/12 21:48
TIC05:瑪雅man!!124F 09/12 21:48
staristic:爆125F 09/12 21:48
CalciumPlus:推!126F 09/12 21:48
lc301:\(。▽° )/召喚:\瑪雅/ \瑪雅/ \瑪雅/ \瑪雅/ \瑪雅/127F 09/12 21:48
blairkimi:推啦!128F 09/12 21:49
moonboundary:等到了~129F 09/12 21:49
codeblue0818:釣到了130F 09/12 21:49
asakao:看完舉手,這次比較短所以有看完XD131F 09/12 21:50
bobju:推!132F 09/12 21:50
Microscft:我真的覺得你應該已經凌駕那些國際考古團隊了 @@133F 09/12 21:50
calone:推推!!134F 09/12 21:50
lc301:(=.=)/135F 09/12 21:51
CN091118:我看完了!136F 09/12 21:51
kkkaaax:(0.0)/137F 09/12 21:51
OoJudyoO:看完了138F 09/12 21:51
moonboundary:舉手/139F 09/12 21:52
lc301:( ̄ㄧ ̄)/140F 09/12 21:52
tearcolor:不要跟我說你只是個普通的上班族。141F 09/12 21:52
linjaha:舉手!!142F 09/12 21:53
Microscft:可以肯定不是公務員 公務員沒有這個腦袋143F 09/12 21:53
danel801003:看完了 (舉手)144F 09/12 21:53
lc301:\( ̄‥a ̄)145F 09/12 21:53
ayrtonvitas:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/                看完了146F 09/12 21:54
innocent5857:長知識~~馬雅人太帥147F 09/12 21:54
lc301:(*〝︵〞*)/148F 09/12 21:54
YamagiN:看完舉手ing149F 09/12 21:54
aramaram:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/150F 09/12 21:55
iica:哪天你需要募集研究經費的話我一定會贊助你151F 09/12 21:55

※ 編輯: mayaman         來自:       (09/12 21:56)
amumugank:有看完(舉手~~~)152F 09/12 21:56
her0418:舉手!153F 09/12 21:56
sakuraorjill:強者專業推154F 09/12 21:56
yaGaga:(舉手)155F 09/12 21:56
chungyiju:舉手~~156F 09/12 21:57
wuj:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/                       先推再看157F 09/12 21:57
xpu:看完了!158F 09/12 21:57
cagedBirds:\MAYAMAN/159F 09/12 21:58
crazypurple:看到ID先推再看160F 09/12 21:59
a26732300:mayanan161F 09/12 21:59
ferocious:馬雅人  推162F 09/12 21:59
KLoVeRs:馬雅人先推再說163F 09/12 21:59
VincentcyL:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/164F 09/12 22:00
dec16:我先贊助你2包煙!!!165F 09/12 22:00
peine:馬雅人。跪拜。166F 09/12 22:00
nysj:有看完,但看不太懂(掩面)167F 09/12 22:00
kidkenyen:舉手~168F 09/12 22:02
solidmiss:專業  清新  優文169F 09/12 22:02
kinja:舉手170F 09/12 22:03
typepeter:推171F 09/12 22:03
Tenging:有沒有強者願意幫忙設立考古基金會172F 09/12 22:04
fudan:馬雅必推173F 09/12 22:04
pcjason:推174F 09/12 22:04
Refauth:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/175F 09/12 22:05
peine:補舉手176F 09/12 22:05
bubblet:\mayaman/\mayaman/ (舉手177F 09/12 22:05
Refauth:(*〝︵〞*)/(*〝︵〞*)/(*〝︵〞*)/(*〝︵〞*)/(*〝︵〞*)178F 09/12 22:05
biup2:有看完,但是很多不懂...179F 09/12 22:06
loveu8:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/180F 09/12 22:06
frostmourne:看完了 真的蠻難的181F 09/12 22:07
gunfighter:推182F 09/12 22:07
kun945:舉手183F 09/12 22:11
fdc9999:不推沒天理  右!!!!!!!!!!184F 09/12 22:12
simongarden:看不懂也舉手185F 09/12 22:13
astroboy1318:Mayaman!!!186F 09/12 22:13
mildstream:我有認真看完最後一句 \mayaman/187F 09/12 22:13
bagacow:舉手188F 09/12 22:14
genius0716:舉手    推你一個專業189F 09/12 22:16
qscxz: NOT BAD!190F 09/12 22:18
bluekren:十倍奉還的馬雅人!!191F 09/12 22:19
saosin:我很認真地看還是沒有很了解,推高手瑪雅192F 09/12 22:20
hateA7V:太專業了!193F 09/12 22:21
dunhilln:阿波卡大獵逃194F 09/12 22:21
unicorn8012:舉手~195F 09/12 22:22
yaya:朝聖196F 09/12 22:23
tool5566:197F 09/12 22:23
confis:舉198F 09/12 22:26
wgst88w:台灣有你就一定可以追到的  (舉199F 09/12 22:28
kazamiakira:mayaman~!200F 09/12 22:29
ymcg:這不叫作專業,什麼才是專業201F 09/12 22:30
jack791015:媽~~~我在這!!!202F 09/12 22:30
gfneo:XD203F 09/12 22:31
bingchang:舉手~!!!!!!204F 09/12 22:31
Ilou:努力看完了!!205F 09/12 22:34
kickyourass:有馬雅神快拜!!!!206F 09/12 22:36
smpian:膜拜  <(_ _)>207F 09/12 22:36
abclkk:右!!!!208F 09/12 22:38
ty95768:舉手~209F 09/12 22:39
icesweetboy:有神快拜......210F 09/12 22:39
shineline:有神快拜211F 09/12 22:40
t020202:推212F 09/12 22:41
vbnwei:有看完但沒認真可以舉手嗎><213F 09/12 22:42
PolinHuang:強者 推!!214F 09/12 22:42
goondiet:我有認真看完! (舉手215F 09/12 22:44
maxmtv:我超認真看完!!(舉手舉手)216F 09/12 22:45
catber:推!!217F 09/12 22:45
HOLYS:舉手~218F 09/12 22:45
zeanmar:舉手219F 09/12 22:46
asadfish:媽呀!!!人220F 09/12 22:47
hatako:轉錄至某隱形看板                                         09/12 22:50
zephyr9114:舉手221F 09/12 22:52
kennethlin:活歷史再現 快拜222F 09/12 22:53
hengyen:舉手!!馬雅人的文章我每篇都很認真看223F 09/12 22:55
windai:舉手224F 09/12 22:57
shadow2002:舉手!!!225F 09/12 22:57
Ianthegood:舉了226F 09/12 23:02
kevin791112:227F 09/12 23:03
RollUp:((o ・`∀・′)ノ 228F 09/12 23:11
garyfire:舉手!!!229F 09/12 23:11
jds2518:太猛了230F 09/12 23:11
garyfire:所以您的回文有任何結果嗎?231F 09/12 23:11
zzxx1322:馬雅人!!!232F 09/12 23:13
RyuzakiYuuji:你真太強了~ 八卦版因有你而充實!233F 09/12 23:17
hot4321:push234F 09/12 23:20
Caramel0519:END 然後推235F 09/12 23:21
sakanatsuki:0.0/ 看完了 終於等到今天第一篇有意義的文236F 09/12 23:26
webberhan:看完237F 09/12 23:29
THKLuga:有神快拜238F 09/12 23:33
Man69:mayaman!!239F 09/12 23:33
stillj8282:舉手240F 09/12 23:40
wuchidu:舉手241F 09/12 23:42
Passive:舉手!242F 09/12 23:42
RollUp:原來是Habitacion2門口上面的圖, 我還以為都是掉漆@@"243F 09/12 23:50
HRTW:我也認真的看完了 (舉手)244F 09/12 23:51
venroxas:馬雅人必推245F 09/12 23:54
sxkyz:馬雅人發文不用看直接推246F 09/13 00:04
shyuwu:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/ \mayaman/247F 09/13 00:06
sirines:專業推248F 09/13 00:18
jplix:又是你!                                    神文大推249F 09/13 00:18
TxKxZeke:舉手!!!250F 09/13 00:26
douou:舉手,謝謝解說。251F 09/13 00:32
fffwww:馬雅人好帥!!252F 09/13 00:34
icewindwu:舉腳253F 09/13 00:35
hsuehroger:有馬雅基金會的話我會很想捐錢!!!254F 09/13 00:45
qq955166:舉手啊!!!255F 09/13 00:54
ray86:我認真看完了!!!!! (舉手)256F 09/13 01:32
gangs:不知道對不對  印象中  營養不良  是因為主食是玉米257F 09/13 01:44
gangs:玉米外面有一層膜  會讓玉米無法被消化吸收 然後蛋白質很少
gangs:美洲沒有家畜  或者是  進入農業時代之後  底層的人普變
gangs:營養不良  因為都是攝取碳水化合物而已
bluelamb:果然釣出來了~261F 09/13 01:56
mupanda:有認真看,但不太懂+1262F 09/13 02:07
panex0845:舉手263F 09/13 02:48
cert889:舉手264F 09/13 03:16
ching620:如認真看完都要天亮了,先推,明天再認真拜讀~~馬雅!265F 09/13 03:39
fywynn:\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/\mayaman/266F 09/13 08:12

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