※ 本文為 roganjack 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-11-07 14:52:23
作者 標題 [LIVE] KBS Cool Fm
時間 Mon Nov 7 14:06:08 2011
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홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
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홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
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홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
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Lockerz.com : 홍진경의 두시's Photo
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
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◆ From:
推 :GG1F 11/07 14:06
推 :開始了 SUNNY阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2F 11/07 14:10
→ :沒什麼人氣 0.03F 11/07 14:13
推 :推!4F 11/07 14:14
推 :因為聽不懂吧 加上白天XD5F 11/07 14:14
推 :KEKE6F 11/07 14:15
推 :順圭自拍!!!7F 11/07 14:17
推 :天阿!!!! 在自拍阿~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9F 11/07 14:17
→ :我覺得...好像能聽懂在說什麼了!!! (拿前電台中字腦補10F 11/07 14:17
→ :拍完請立馬上傳 謝謝lol11F 11/07 14:18
→ :啊喔 這個頻道等下可能要爆掉了 我看到推特上有推這網址XD
→ :啊喔 這個頻道等下可能要爆掉了 我看到推特上有推這網址XD
推 :權權嘟嘴>////////////////<13F 11/07 14:20
推 :http://lockerz.com/s/154039454 忙內>//////////////////<
推 :http://lockerz.com/s/154039454 忙內>//////////////////<
Lockerz.com : 홍진경의 두시's Photo
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
推 :珊妮啊~XDD 好可愛啊>///<17F 11/07 14:30
推 :Sunny剛剛在Taxi啊18F 11/07 14:30
推 :Sunny好可愛~轉筆耶~~自己跳taxi 幹嗎到自己部份就不跳了19F 11/07 14:31
推 :推推!20F 11/07 14:31
Lockerz.com : 홍진경의 두시's Photo
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
Lockerz.com : 홍진경의 두시's Photo
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
推 :太妍啊~23F 11/07 14:33
推 :太妍阿~~~~~~~~~~~~24F 11/07 14:33
※ 編輯: Sanjixxx 來自: (11/07 14:34)Lockerz.com : 홍진경의 두시's Photo
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
Lockerz.com : 홍진경의 두시's Photo
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
홍진경의 두시's Photo on Lockerz.com. Earn PTZ when you watch videos, connect with friends and shop on Lockerz.com. Turn your PTZ into prizes or discounts on top brands.
推 :初丁XDDDDDD28F 11/07 14:35
※ 編輯: Sanjixxx 來自: (11/07 14:36)推 :太妍臉都被擋住了@@30F 11/07 14:43
推 :結束31F 11/07 14:49
推 :要結束了T^T32F 11/07 14:50
推 :收工!!!33F 11/07 14:50
推 :DJ大姊是巨人嗎@@?34F 11/07 14:51
推 :順圭剛拍照偷放龜派氣功 有人截到圖嗎?36F 11/07 14:51
推 :這場DJ印象中是模特兒出身..所以..兩短身..Q_Q37F 11/07 14:53
推 :Sunny超可愛!!!38F 11/07 14:56
推 :最近SUNNY一到電台可愛指數就破表!!!39F 11/07 14:57
推 :問一下 剛剛一起翻譯的1126大有在這嗎 我想找你40F 11/07 15:04
推 :orz, 行程表沒寫可視,結果又錯過了 -_-41F 11/07 15:10
推 :所以這場沒囉??42F 11/07 16:20
推 :暈~~~~~~ 又沒跟到啊!!!!!!!!!! 等中字了 QQ43F 11/07 18:20
推 :初丁阿 XDDDD
推 :初丁阿 XDDDD
推 :初丁啊XDDDDDDDDDD45F 11/07 18:25
推 : 孝淵嚇到我了!! 哈哈46F 11/07 18:28
推 :看到初丁我笑了47F 11/08 01:33
推 :金孝淵你這小初丁!! 是想把姐姐們嚇死嗎!!!!!害我抖一下XD48F 11/08 03:19
※ 看板: SNSD 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 257