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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-02-14 01:10:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 shyangs (厚呦)
標題 [爆卦] Opera 沒落了
時間 Wed Feb 13 22:36:15 2013

Opera Is Dead, Desktop Browser Replaced with Chromium, WebKit on Mobile - Softpedia Opera Is Dead, Desktop Browser Replaced with Chromium, WebKit on Mobile ...

Opera Is Dead, Desktop Browser Replaced with Chromium, WebKit on Mobile

Opera has called it a day. After almost two decades in the browser business,
Opera has officially quit.

The developer announced that it is going to adopt the WebKit engine for all
of its browsers on mobile platforms, something not particularly surprising,
but also that it is stopping development of its desktop browser and will
start supporting Chromium, the open source version of Chrome.

Basically, this means that Opera will no longer be developing its own HTML
layout engine, Presto, and that it will slap an Opera label on Chromium and
call that its desktop browser.

There aren't many details, but what is there is enough to know what comes
next. Opera as we've known it is dead; the move may turn out to be a great
one for the company, but it won't be the same company.

Without its own engine or even its own desktop browser, Opera is now just
another company that rebrands Chromium and calls it its own browser, on par
with Yandex which makes its own Chrome clone, for example.

In the mobile space, it will be just another company that takes the WebKit
engine and slaps some UI elements on top of it. There are now only four major
browser makers in the world, Microsoft, Google, Mozilla and Apple, and just
three layout engines, Trident, Gecko and WebKit.


      將近 20 年的奮鬥,Opera 認輸了! 桌面與行動平台都將放棄 Presto 核心,
      此後會基於 Chromium 開發。

      未來瀏覽器三國鼎立 Trident, Gecko 和 WebKit.

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◆ From:
etw6776:歐普拉1F 02/13 22:36
ilutc:歐若拉2F 02/13 22:37
OrzOGC:opera爛很久了.下課剛好而以3F 02/13 22:37
swordmr20:歐拉歐拉4F 02/13 22:37
tenninetall:樓下用pcman5F 02/13 22:37
jimmyace:____再戰十年6F 02/13 22:37
ouyang:火狐不賴7F 02/13 22:37
YoungDiaw:歐拉夫8F 02/13 22:37
tonyselina:靠邀,看來WebKit實在太威了9F 02/13 22:37
R10K:手機用的版本不差吧...QQ10F 02/13 22:37
nfuman:netscape表示 :11F 02/13 22:37
deangogi:就知道有人會推歐拉夫= =12F 02/13 22:37
WeGoYuSheng:只有手機用過一小陣子 後來就沒用了13F 02/13 22:37
fishouse:歐普拉RIP14F 02/13 22:38
Clementtang:天啊!15F 02/13 22:38
manlike:不知道有沒已在裁員??16F 02/13 22:38
yeh19921026:好險我都用FGMon17F 02/13 22:38
tonyselina:難怪OP在10以後的版本都不敢再講是地表最快18F 02/13 22:38
antonny:棍 我才想說Chrome最近好爛剛抓完opera耶19F 02/13 22:38
Clementtang:在舊手機上 Opera 超快的20F 02/13 22:38
loungelover:可憐 我曾經用過21F 02/13 22:38
egain:我還以為是脫口秀主持人  原來是沒人用的瀏覽器22F 02/13 22:38
YahooTaiwan:嗯...23F 02/13 22:38
TauriCrab:Opera曾在手持網路傳輸市場佔有上風 但ARM進步太快24F 02/13 22:39
tonyselina:可是用WebKit應該可以繼續吧? 很多家也用WebKit25F 02/13 22:39
caute:RIP什麼啦26F 02/13 22:39
TauriCrab:再爛的網頁也能在手持裝置上運行 就敗北了27F 02/13 22:39
abiangoodjob:我用了五年多,淚噓28F 02/13 22:40
shcjosh:opera在android上的還不錯 PC就不太行了29F 02/13 22:40
hirdaramani:說爛的大概沒用過30F 02/13 22:41
milkfox:android是海豚比較好吧 = =31F 02/13 22:41
tonyselina:PC上也還不錯,8的年代各家速度都沒他快32F 02/13 22:41
frank123ya:nooooooooooooooooooooooo我的OPERA33F 02/13 22:41
shcjosh:海豚HD 拖拉縮放上還是不太順34F 02/13 22:41
tonyselina:海豚 wwww 不要笑死人了.......35F 02/13 22:42
itsasemen:桌面的opera明明就很好用,只是套件數和品質輸給fx36F 02/13 22:42
Vett:android上的都是webkit啊37F 02/13 22:42
shcjosh:opera PC我在用的時候 loading太眾有時候會整個停住38F 02/13 22:42
kiyoe:沒在用39F 02/13 22:43
hirdaramani:他這個是PC還是行動裝置還是都一起阿40F 02/13 22:43
Vett:要怪就怪現在的主流JS框架吧 ...41F 02/13 22:43
shcjosh:firefox就不太會 但是firefox剛啟動載入有點慢42F 02/13 22:43
haniah:難用43F 02/13 22:43
hirdaramani:喔喔看到翻譯了44F 02/13 22:43
tonyselina:老實說這樣已經不叫三國鼎立了,WebKit陣營恐怖45F 02/13 22:43
kis778899:Vitas表示:我還在高潮中47F 02/13 22:44
itsasemen:現在一堆瀏覧器的idea當時抄opera抄很兇...希望opera有48F 02/13 22:44
tonyselina:所以其實沒有多少。反而WebKit用的各家分支大不相同49F 02/13 22:45
itsasemen:天能重回地表最快瀏覧器的時代50F 02/13 22:45
shcjosh:目前桌上型體驗最好還是osx+safari 手勢太好用了51F 02/13 22:45
chinaviva:android最好的流覽器是大陸開發的uc 海豚52F 02/13 22:46
tonyselina:opera超快,以前看網頁+收e-mail+訂RSS都能包辦53F 02/13 22:46
ACYHsheep:他在手機上超強!當年搭神鞭或視窗神一般,原內建根本渣54F 02/13 22:46
hirdaramani:我覺得他左邊那個工具列的功能都好方便55F 02/13 22:47
f1234518456:我覺得IE是地球上最強的瀏覽器ㄌ56F 02/13 22:47
orz78:我以為脫口秀那個歐普拉死了57F 02/13 22:47
ruse:←身為opera使用者,在此為opera加油!很好用、很便利、很快捷58F 02/13 22:48
ppoo75:爛電腦的救星59F 02/13 22:48
JustI5566:支那人別在那邊偷推支那瀏覽器,有沒有藏木馬都不知道60F 02/13 22:48
tonyselina:用海豚的人都馬是民粹包包,看安卓市場就知道了61F 02/13 22:50
tonyselina:一堆軟體掛前幾名血啥看美女圖之類的簡中垃圾 wwww
bobobola:opera還是最快吧 用chrome感覺還是有點慢63F 02/13 22:50
tonyselina:沒有,10以後的版本就不敢說地表最快了64F 02/13 22:51
bobobola:現在是12.14了65F 02/13 22:51
tonyselina:後來是GC世界最快,不過去年的某版fx也有拿下過第一66F 02/13 22:51
shcjosh:以前opera turbo好用 但後來頻寬高了 這功能了反而變慢67F 02/13 22:52
chinaviva:uc和海豚真不錯 就和迅雷一樣臺灣一堆人罵 罵歸罵68F 02/13 22:55
elk2000:但就使用率 還是Trident獨強 光ie就吃去一半了69F 02/13 22:55
chinaviva:臺灣用的人非常多 因為沒有比它好用的70F 02/13 22:56
elk2000:Geck跟WebKit各分一半而已71F 02/13 22:56
chu630:WebKit Geck 是啥?聽都沒聽過~PCMAN比較有名啦72F 02/13 23:01
ilanese:遇到IE only的網頁,還是只能乖乖地用IE~~73F 02/13 23:03
kcl0801:如果只有chrome跟opera能選 我選opera 兩個在我的電腦上開74F 02/13 23:05
shcjosh:台灣特多ie only的 尤其是政府網頁75F 02/13 23:05
kcl0801:啟速度差不多(慢) 但至少opera沒那麼吃資源76F 02/13 23:06
howshaw:以前真的是它最快,但是Chrome超越它了...77F 02/13 23:07
ru8zj312:T_T79F 02/13 23:09
huckebein12:喔...大過年的就聽到這不幸的消息 最棒的瀏覽器要掰了80F 02/13 23:15
djyunjie:個人覺得難用= =81F 02/13 23:16
gaiaesque:......82F 02/13 23:29
ferrinatice:還好我都用Internet Explorer 1083F 02/13 23:30
sghergee:很喜歡opera但是越改越慢.84F 02/13 23:33
ShadowMask:noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo85F 02/13 23:36
Derp:IE10真的超快啊....一堆人死不相信....86F 02/13 23:37
rhox:wtf?  那我的opera mobile怎麼辦?87F 02/13 23:56
milkfox:咧... 我不是支那狗 只是單純覺得海豚支援evernote等插件88F 02/13 23:59
milkfox:還有flashplayer等等 如果樓上們可以推薦支援UI的瀏覽器
milkfox:我會很開心換掉的 ...話說海豚是中國的?
skyjazz:海豚惡名昭彰阿 你敢用?我不敢就是了91F 02/14 00:13
sese5566:光是lzw推的就不敢用了92F 02/14 00:18
id:maxthon才是最好用的,支援webkit或 trident自行切換93F 02/14 00:24

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