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看板 Gossiping
作者 letalone (let alone)
標題 Re: [新聞] 【誰在乎真假】“拒絕中國黑手”
時間 Sat Feb  2 12:20:50 2013

※ 引述《ivyQD (杺)》之銘言:
: 喬姆斯基被臺灣學生誆騙舉牌“守護臺灣”
: 近日,美國著名語言學家與政治評論家喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky,)一張舉牌支持反媒
: 體壟斷的照片在網上流傳,對此,喬姆斯基28日澄清,臺灣一位女學生要他舉著牌子拍
: 照時,他以為牌子上的中文只是“反媒體壟斷”,不知有“拒中”字樣在其中,這是對
: 他原意的“嚴重扭曲”,他強調自己僅支持反媒體壟斷與新聞自由,希望外界不要過度
: 解釋。



Chomsky denies being deceived in media dispute

The MIT professor said that he was not 'misled' by student Lin Ting-an,
as the Want Want China Times Group has alleged

By J. Michael Cole  /  Staff reporter

Chomsky denies being deceived in media dispute - Taipei Times
Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Noam Chomsky yesterday sought to clarify matters regarding allegations by media owned by the Want Want China Times Group (旺旺中時集團) this week that he had said he was “misled” by a Taiwanese student who asked him to have his picture taken with a placard o ...

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Noam Chomsky yesterday sought
to clarify matters regarding allegations by media owned by the Want Want China
 Times Group (旺旺中時集團) this week that he had said he was “misled” by a
Taiwanese student who asked him to have his picture taken with a placard
opposing media monopolization in Taiwan.

In a series of articles on Thursday, the Chinese-language China Times, one of
the many publications owned by the group, claimed that Chomsky, along with New
 York University (NYU) professor Ned Block, were “misled” by not having the
full content of the Chinese message on the placard explained to them. The
controversy centered on the part of the text that read in Mandarin: “Say no
to China’s black hands,” a reference to Chinese influence in Taiwanese media.

Several articles and commentaries on talk shows run on TV stations controlled
by Want Want vilified Lin Ting-an (林庭安), a graduate student at National
Yang Ming University’s Institute of Philosophy of Mind and Cognition, who
approached Chomsky for his support. The reports accused her of misrepresenting
the facts to the 84-year-old professor.

Chomsky, who said he had been deluged with letters about the controversy from
individuals and the media, clarified his stance in an e-mail yesterday, which
he said also stood for Block.

“I have been in touch with my friend Ned Block, a philosophy professor at NYU,
 who was also photographed holding a poster,” Chomsky wrote. “His experience
was the same as mine. Both of us were under the impression that the poster
called for freedom of press and opposed monopoly, and said nothing about China.”

However, Chomsky denied he was misled.

“I don’t charge anyone with deceit or misrepresentation. I assume it was
simply a misunderstanding, resulting from the fact that neither of us reads
Chinese,” he wrote. “That’s the whole story. I don’t think there was any
bad faith, just misunderstanding.”

“She [Lin] may well have sent me an earlier email [clearly explaining the
situation and the threat of Chinese influence in Taiwan’s media environment]
as she says. The deluge of email is so enormous I can barely remember yesterday.
But neither Ned nor I were aware that the posted went beyond what I just wrote,”
Chomsky wrote.

Lin’s initial e-mail to Chomsky was made public earlier this week when Want
Want first claimed that she had misled him.

Contacted for comment on the incident, Bruce Jacobs, a professor of Asian
languages and studies at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, who last
month also posed for a picture holding the placard, said he had no idea what
Chomsky knew or did not know, or whether Lin made herself clear enough.

However, the Mandarin-speaking Jacobs, a longtime Taiwan watcher, said the
actions of the China Times and its affiliate CtiTV in the affair made it very
clear that the group and its chairman, Tsai Eng-meng (蔡衍明), are unfit to
occupy a larger share of Taiwan’s media environment.

Since Tsai’s acquisition of the China Times, Jacobs said, the paper’s
political stance has changed, with “a huge amount of censorship” that did
not occur prior to the acquisition.

幫她脫衣服    卡路里  解開她的胸罩  卡路里   高潮  卡路里   正在嘿咻時   卡路里
她情願之下      12     用單手/雙手   8/12    真的    112    她爸爸敲門     5218
她不情願之下   2137      用牙齒       485    假的   1315    你太太敲門    13512
互脫之下       4128      用舌頭       633    沒有   2345    對方是男的   999999

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※ 編輯: letalone        來自:       (02/02 12:22)
sid12345:沒有用 上一篇作者會出來說他不懂英文 要給他清楚的鏈結1F 02/02 12:23
faxy:無視啦!<(#‵皿′)f〒﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌叭叭叭叭2F 02/02 12:23
ll2233445566:中國人自己不和世上最後的共匪專制政權切割3F 02/02 12:23
Bastain:可是這裡有個矛盾  如果他不懂英文  你給他鍊接有何用?5F 02/02 12:24
ll2233445566:共匪妓那人還以為拒中有啥好奇怪的 拒中就是拒暴政6F 02/02 12:25
SeikaKun:好聞要推報啊,讓世人旺中是什麼嘴臉7F 02/02 12:27
ll2233445566:殘體國就是自己把大便塗在臉上 再整天奇怪人家討厭他8F 02/02 12:27
c90051kevin:支那人還是滾回支那吧9F 02/02 12:28
OuterLander:千錯萬錯 學生一定有錯10F 02/02 12:29
murasei:426是不是看不懂正體中文呢11F 02/02 12:29
jma306:綠營的拒中 只是批判別人用的  自己人親中就沒關係12F 02/02 12:29
Bastain:J大大概是誤解反壟斷  還在認為反壟斷是吱吱搞的13F 02/02 12:32
jma306:是你誤解吧  我只是把某樓上推文照抄14F 02/02 12:33
SNGoMMX:我是不懂認為反壟斷就是吱吱的邏輯是怎麼來的15F 02/02 12:33
Bastain:例如反壟斷的張錦華教授  你覺得是吱吱嗎?她是林火旺老婆16F 02/02 12:34
Bastain:最好笑的是反壟斷現場還有人嗆台獨人士  那根本就不是吱吱
jma306:所以你不該誤解我  該去分析   ll223344556619F 02/02 12:35
Bastain:你照抄別人的推文做啥??  別人腦殘難道你也要跟著?20F 02/02 12:37
ll2233445566:原來自由世界反共匪是綠營或吱吱?  真是小共匪眼21F 02/02 12:37
jealousguy:KMT要我們堅決反共有錯嗎 為匪宣傳 以前可是要被殺頭22F 02/02 12:38
jma306:你暗指  還是明指該人腦殘  我就不介入了23F 02/02 12:38
dlevel:英文當然要請漢化組翻好,支那人才看得懂啊。24F 02/02 12:38
ll2233445566:反共是歐盟47國的決議 不是吱吱或綠營 有人腦袋真小25F 02/02 12:38
jma306:統一戰線別搞到自己人打自己人了26F 02/02 12:39
Bastain:問題是你為啥照抄別人推文?  還有你存在對反壟斷的誤解27F 02/02 12:40
ll2233445566:分析 大概只有被共匪國洗腦洗傷的才會以為自由世界小28F 02/02 12:41
ll2233445566:我不是綠營也不是吱 我不只站在台灣或日本上看問題
Bastain:另外推一下這篇  焦點不要推文混淆了30F 02/02 12:43
ll2233445566:我是站在普世的人類上看殘餘小小共匪垃圾國的問題31F 02/02 12:43
jealousguy:國共的紅衛兵文鬥一個樣 一個堅決反共 一方打走資 結果32F 02/02 12:46
jma306:普世人類價值...   你的價值可能會捲入歷史的灰燼33F 02/02 12:47
jma306:成王敗寇 誰能活著當王才能寫歷史
wht810090:難怪中國民族主義者會那麼堅持「選贏=正義」,這根本是35F 02/02 13:15
ivyQD:不知道哪里有抹黑,請指出!那篇文的內容里有你提到的這些41F 02/02 13:24
Bastain:抹黑真的不意外43F 02/02 13:38

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