※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-10-10 02:39:22
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 Re: [新聞] CNN報導台灣的過勞文化
時間 Wed Oct 10 02:34:33 2012
※ 引述《rin0sin (123)》之銘言:
: 1.完整新聞標題/內文:
: Battling Taiwan's culture of overwork
: Employees in Taiwan work some of the longest hours in the world. CNN's Paula
: Hancocks reports on the culture of overwork
: (CNN) For the past six years, Guo Chi-mei has struggled to get out of bed on
: his own. The 40-year-old suffered a stroke in 2006 and can only take a few
: unaided steps to his wheelchair before his blood pressure rises to a
: dangerous level.
: Last year the government ruled that the stroke was because of overwork but
: his company is legally challenging the decision.
: “The last six months before my stroke, I was working 18 hours a day and
: sleeping just four,” says Guo. His company had claimed $50,000 was missing
: from the account he was handling, and allege stealing. Guo denies the
: accusation and before his stroke was working overtime to investigate the
: missing money.
"我的中風前6個月前,我每天工作18個小時,只睡四小時" 郭說。
: “Just after 8am one day, I suddenly passed out. My colleagues carried me to
: a meeting room and left me there,” says Guo.
: “The company waited three hours before they took me to the hospital, by the
: time I got there I had heavy bleeding on my brain and doctors said my
: condition had become so bad it was inoperable.”
: Guo’s case is sadly not unique and some cases of overwork in Taiwan have
: even been fatal. In 2011, 50 workers’ deaths were blamed on excessive
: working hours, according to Taiwan’s Council of Labor Affairs (CLA).
: Hard work has long been ingrained in Taiwanese society, but only recently
: have officials begun to acknowledge that overwork exists.
: By law workers are not allowed to do more than 46 hours of overtime each
: month and companies are fined for violating these rules.
: The annual working hours for Taiwanese employees eclipses many industrialized
: nations, according to figures from the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) and the
: OECD. On average, the Taiwanese work 2,200 hours annually; 20% more than
: their counterparts in the United States or Japan and more than 35% longer
: than those in Germany.
: Earlier this year healthcare professionals took to the streets to protest
: what they call a sweatshop health system claiming overwork puts their
: patients in danger.
: The government of Taiwan has reacted to a growing public outcry over the
: dangers of overwork and is trying to improve the work culture in the country,
: subsidizing health facilities specializing in occupational health.
: Dr. Guo Yue-Leon holds a free open clinic every Wednesday morning in Taipei’
: s biggest public hospital specifically for occupational disease. He has
: noticed a marked increase in patients.
: “Not because the number are increasing,” he says, “but the people are more
: recognizing the condition so those who have a heart attack or a stroke, he or
: she realizes that working too hard might have caused the problem.”
: 2.新聞連結:
: http://business.blogs.cnn.com/2012/10/02/battling-taiwans-culture-of-overwork/
Battling Taiwan's culture of overwork – Business 360 - CNN.com Blogs Editor's note: The Outlook series spotlights a country to give a deeper understanding of the business, industry and consumer trends that fuel its economy. ...
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