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※ 本文為 npc 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-08-16 16:15:16
看板 Gossiping
作者 dog19890326 (呆喵)
標題 [新聞] 黑猩猩兄弟闊別3年 再聚首熱烈互擁
時間 Thu Aug 16 13:49:40 2012

大猩猩兄弟闊別3年再聚首熱烈互擁 | 即時新聞 | 20120816 | 蘋果日報
國外有一對大猩猩兄弟凱索(Kesho)和阿福(Alf),原本兩隻大猩猩都住在都柏林動物園,但是3年前哥哥凱索前往倫敦動物園進行保育計畫,兄弟倆被迫分離,但是最近凱索和阿福都一起移往至英國的朗利特野生動 ...

福都一起移往至英國的朗利特野生動物園(Longleat Safari Park),闊別3年兄弟倆再度



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◆ From:
gigi2001:爪爪1F 08/16 13:49
haoto:南部人重感情2F 08/16 13:50
hsunting2000:不離不棄3F 08/16 13:50
Mariano42:這篇厲害!4F 08/16 13:50
MiuLove:兄弟漢草差很多5F 08/16 13:50
thomas0229:凱薩6F 08/16 13:50
corlos:(ˊ_>ˋ)<喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪7F 08/16 13:50
kimi0402:黑猩猩怎麼會是爪爪,應該是lamigo才對。8F 08/16 13:50
love34567:第一張照片是岳小鳳跟張笑拳嗎?9F 08/16 13:50
flux:那隻是金剛吧.....10F 08/16 13:50
pl132:這個要推11F 08/16 13:50
heartsky7:知空~12F 08/16 13:51
wilsmart:某些人比猩猩還不如  真的是....13F 08/16 13:51
su61712:溫馨~~~~~14F 08/16 13:52
tom333498:瘟猩15F 08/16 13:52
DareJ:哥哥好大隻16F 08/16 13:53
tenyi:猩球崛起17F 08/16 13:53
a0375119:溫馨,不過猩猩都長一樣,怎麼相認的?18F 08/16 13:53
roe1986630:這哪是黑猩猩....19F 08/16 13:53
gh34163:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪20F 08/16 13:54
knightalan:她們看人可能也都長一樣 XD21F 08/16 13:54
breadf:High five ~~  low five~~22F 08/16 13:54
misstoomuch:吱吱的老大?23F 08/16 13:54
hvariables:大猩猩和黑猩猩分不清24F 08/16 13:54
Garza:這黑金剛吧XD25F 08/16 13:54
gh34163:( 〒□〒)<喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪26F 08/16 13:55
d9637568:猩球崛起27F 08/16 13:55
Gorilla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gorillas comprise the eponymous genus Gorilla, the largest extant genus of primates. They are ground-dwelling, predominantly herbivorous apes that inhabit the forests of central Africa. The genus is divided into two species and either four or five subspecies. The DNA of gorillas is highly similar to ...
Chimpanzee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chimpanzee, sometimes colloquially chimp, is the common name for the two extant species of ape in the genus Pan. The Congo River forms the boundary between the native habitat of the two species:[2] ...
OmegaWind:這是大金鋼31F 08/16 13:56
ahw12000:猩猩記憶力好厲害喔32F 08/16 13:57
Madroach:溫馨33F 08/16 13:57
Asia5566:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪34F 08/16 13:58
hsanchin:赤木:魚住(泣)35F 08/16 13:59
kdash:這肌肉好結實36F 08/16 13:59
SWORDKISS:記者意外嗎37F 08/16 14:00
ariesjiujk:(σ′▽‵)′▽‵)σ 哈哈哈~你看看你~38F 08/16 14:01
kinnsan:這是金剛猩猩 不是黑猩猩啊= =39F 08/16 14:05
MetalRose:明明就是大猩猩40F 08/16 14:06
typenephew:近藤表示41F 08/16 14:06
doom3:別強記者所難好嗎 他們哪懂42F 08/16 14:07
heartsky7:         阿妙小姐 我絕對不是跟蹤狂43F 08/16 14:08
zbali:http://disp.cc/b/18-48ou (Brothers gorillas reunited aft44F 08/16 14:19
Brothers gorillas reunited after three years - ott板 - Disp BBS
發佈日期:2012-08-15,發佈者: notout1pro The heart-warming moment two brother gorillas were reunited at a London safari park has been captured on camera. Kesh ... ...
park1:兄弟漢草差很多45F 08/16 14:19
Terrill:酷喔46F 08/16 14:28
juncat:學弟 不要講話 不然我們都會被開除47F 08/16 14:30
KuangChao:不離不棄,是我兄弟48F 08/16 14:57
ePaper:晴子:彩子(泣)49F 08/16 15:07
stannieli92:是金剛50F 08/16 15:13
HateSHE:(  ̄□ ̄)/喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~~喔喔~爪爪51F 08/16 15:22

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